Publisher: JP- Sega, US- Sega/Working Designs
Number of Players: 1

Age Rating:

The production value here is great, the game looks awesome, the audio matches the visuals with tons of voice tracks and there are also a good number of video clips. I did really like the mechanic of switching on the fly between characters and using the different attack styles.The problem I had with the game is that the story (which is based on a Japanese manga) is in such a rush to get you going it ends up feeling somewhat forced and this maybe only present in the US version but the writing and slang is very dated. Over all I couldn't really relate to the characters and thus didn't have as good a time with this RPG. That said if your looking for an RPG on the Saturn thats in English theres not many to choose from and if you can take the story everything else here is very nice.
Notes: This was the last game released in the USA. The CD in the US had 3 different labels for the game, each with one of the main characters.
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