Friday, September 23, 2011

AZEL: Panzer Dragoon RPG - Panzer Dragoon Saga

Release Date(s): JP- 1/29/1998, PAL- 1998, US- 5/7/1998
Publisher: Sega
Number of Players: 1
Genre: RPG

Age Rating:


There is not much I can say about this game that hasn’t already be said, this game is one of those must own must play games. I’ll give you my top 3 reasons why I loved the game, number one is that the characters you meet in towns all have more than one thing to say that is if you go up to one and start talking you will get your normal rpg type of response however if you select to talk to them again right after you have spoken to them they will have something else to say. At the time this was not very common and really made you feel part of a living world. Also it gets a plus for the amount of voice tracks though not in English they made the characters feel more lifelike.
Number two is the dragon morphing. You can do it on the fly it doesnt matter if your in a battle or not and it so easy to understand. Lastly the Battle system itself is not like any if have seen, you rotate around your enimies and can choose to attack or look for weak spots. There are also areas that are safe zones where you cant be attacked and areas that are danger zones where you can take some heavy damage.

Bottom line this is a great game that you need to play. The only issue is that due to its late release and short print run this game is very expensive. Though its not rare as you will be able to find a copy on ebay any day of the week expect to pay about $200-$250 for this gem.

Compatible with:

Note: Contains 4 disks. Known as AZEL Panzer Dragoon RPG in Japan and Panzer Dragoon Saga in Europe and the USA.

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