In order to play back up games you will need to become good at the "swap trick" or install a mod chip in your Saturn. You can then download your game from a ROM site of your choice and follow the instructions below to make a back up of your game. You will need to download and install the Sega Cue Maker and the Saturn Region Patcher tools just do a google search for them.
You will need to convert the MP3 files into WAVs, to do this I use iTunes. First you need to tell iTunes that you want imported items to be converted into .wav instead of .mp3, to do this you need to go into the preferences menu (Edit > Preferences) and click the "Import Settings" button.
For "Import Using" select WAV Encoder, "Ctrl+O" will bring up the add to library menu from there you just need to navigate to your game files and select the MP3s.
Once in iTunes select the files, I find it easier to just go to the "recently added" playlist on the left, select the music files and right click to select "Create WAV version"
Once it is done converting the files you can delete the MP3 files from your game folder and then grab the WAV files from your My Documents > Music folder and place them in the game folder. At this point you just need to create a new .cue file. Start by deleting the original .cue file in your game folder, at this point you should only have your .iso and the .wav files in this folder. To create the new .cue file see "Sega Cue Maker" section.
There is another file format that will some times pop up and that is the iso/ogg files. For these there is a tool called "OggdropXP" that you can download (it works for Windows Vista and Windows 7). All you need to do is drag your .ogg files in to the oggdropXP window and it will create a .wav version once done you can delete your .ogg files and the .cue file from the game folder. Now you just need to create a new .cue file (see the Sega Cue Maker section). SEGA CUE MAKER TOOL
If you are using a US Saturn with a mod chip you will need to change the region of your game file so that it will boot in your system to do this you will need to run the SRP program. Click the “…” button to browse to your game folder and select the .bin file or the .iso file in that folder. The only thing you need to worry about at this point is on the right side under “Modify the region code(s)” uncheck the region that is currently selected and then check your region for example if it’s a Japanese region game it will have the check mark for J: Japan uncheck this and select U: North America.
Once you have your region selected just clicked “Lets Patch your Image”at this point you will get a pop up that says “File patched!” click OK and your all set.
click the folder search button in the source field and find your game folder. You need to select the .cue file to burn, then just change the write speed to 4x and click the write file icon at the bottom.
Your all set have fun playing your games!